The inspiration for Hope for Grieving Families stemmed from the loss of a loving man, husband, father, son, brother, son-in-law, uncle, grandson, cousin, nephew and dear friend to so many, C.A.M. Wagner. In 2008, C.A.M. was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive leukemia that he fought valiantly for 5 years with the help of Johns Hopkins Hospital before finally going home to be with his beloved Savior. Along that journey, he touched many lives with his unwavering faith and helped so many in their own battles with cancer.
Becky Wagner, C.A.M.'s widow, and mother to their three precious, beautiful children, searched deeply for a way to both honor C.A.M. while helping others who have experienced the painful loss of a close loved-one. In 2014, the first annual Hope for Grieving Families Family Fun Day was formed. Families joined together to enjoy an afternoon of fun family activities and support one another. It became clear that this event was meaningful to many and should continue and grow in years to come.
Since 2013, the number of families attending Hope Family Fun Festival has quadrupled in attendance. In 2019 we began offering monthly activities that are enriching and fun for kids, and offer parents time to get to know other parents navigating the grief journey as well. Creating a community where nobody feels alone is what Hope For Grieving Families is about.